class: inverse, middle, left, my-title-slide, title-slide # Day 3: Testing models, predictions & model uncertainty ### November 9, 2021 --- # Today: 1. Evaluating model uncertainty and making predictions -- 2. Model checking -- 3. Model selection methods: - `select = TRUE` - AIC - ANOVA --- # Recap — Flu data .pull-left[ ```r flu <- read.csv(here('data',"california-flu-data.csv")) %>% mutate(season = factor(season)) flu2010 <- flu %>% filter(season=="2010-2011") ``` ```r flu2010_posmod <- gam(tests_pos ~ s(week_centered, k = 15, by = ) + offset(log(tests_total)), data= flu2010, family = poisson, method = "REML") ``` ] .pull-right[ ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/richness-violin-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Confidence bands .row[ .col-6[ `plot()` ```r plot(flu2010_posmod) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/plot-richness-model-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .col-6[ `gratia::draw()` ```r draw(flu2010_posmod) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/draw-richness-model-1.svg)<!-- --> ] ] What do the bands represent? --- # Confidence intervals for smooths Bands are a bayesian 95% credible interval on the smooth `plot.gam()` draws the band at ± **2** std. err. `gratia::draw()` draws them at `\((1 - \alpha) / 2\)` upper tail probability quantile of `\(\mathcal{N}(0,1)\)` `gratia::draw()` draws them at ~ ±**1.96** std. err. & user can change `\(\alpha\)` via argument `ci_level` -- So `gratia::draw()` draws them at ~ ±**2** st.d err --- # Across the function intervals The *frequentist* coverage of the intervals is not pointwise — instead these credible intervals have approximately 95% coverage when *averaged* over the whole function Some places will have more than 95% coverage, other places less -- Assumptions yielding this result can fail, where estimated smooth is a straight line -- Correct this with `seWithMean = TRUE` in `plot.gam()` or `overall_uncertainty = TRUE` in `gratia::draw()` This essentially includes the uncertainty in the intercept in the uncertainty band --- # Correcting for smoothness selection The defaults assume that the smoothness parameter(s) `\(\lambda_j\)` are *known* and *fixed* -- But we estimated them -- Can apply a correction for this extra uncertainty via argument `unconditional = TRUE` in both `plot.gam()` and `gratia::draw()` --- # But still, what do the bands represent? ```r sm_fit <- evaluate_smooth(flu2010_posmod, 's(week_centered)') # tidy data on smooth sm_post <- smooth_samples(flu2010_posmod, 's(week_centered)', n = 20, seed = 42) # more on this later draw(sm_fit) + geom_line(data = sm_post, aes(x = .x1, y = value, group = draw), alpha = 0.3, colour = 'red') ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/plot-conf-band-plus-posterior-smooths-1.svg)<!-- --> --- class: inverse middle center subsection # Making predictions with uncertainty --- # Predicting with `predict()` `plot.gam()` and `gratia::draw()` show the component functions of the model on the link scale -- Prediction (via the `predict` function) allows us to evaluate the model at known values of covariates on different scales: - response scale (`type = "response"`) - overall link scale (`type= "link"`) - Predictions for individual smooth terms (`type="terms"` or `type = "iterms"`) - For individual basis functions -- Provide `newdata` with a data frame of values of covariates --- # `predict()` ```r new_flu <- with(flu2010, tibble(week_centered = seq(min(week_centered), max(week_centered), length.out = 100), tests_total = 1)) pred <- predict(flu2010_posmod, newdata = new_flu, = TRUE, type = 'link') pred <- bind_cols(new_flu, as_tibble( pred ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 100 x 4 ## week_centered tests_total fit ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 -11 1 -4.65 0.358 ## 2 -10.5 1 -4.70 0.304 ## 3 -9.97 1 -4.73 0.258 ## 4 -9.45 1 -4.75 0.224 ## 5 -8.94 1 -4.75 0.201 ## 6 -8.42 1 -4.72 0.187 ## 7 -7.91 1 -4.66 0.179 ## 8 -7.39 1 -4.56 0.170 ## 9 -6.88 1 -4.44 0.159 ## 10 -6.36 1 -4.29 0.146 ## # ... with 90 more rows ``` --- # `predict()` → response scale ```r ilink <- inv_link(flu2010_posmod) # inverse link function crit <- qnorm((1 - 0.89) / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) # or just `crit <- 2` pred <- mutate(pred, pos_rate = ilink(fit), lwr = ilink(fit - (crit *, # lower... upr = ilink(fit + (crit * # upper credible interval pred ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 100 x 7 ## week_centered tests_total fit pos_rate lwr upr ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 -11 1 -4.65 0.358 0.00951 0.00537 0.0169 ## 2 -10.5 1 -4.70 0.304 0.00913 0.00562 0.0148 ## 3 -9.97 1 -4.73 0.258 0.00882 0.00584 0.0133 ## 4 -9.45 1 -4.75 0.224 0.00865 0.00605 0.0124 ## 5 -8.94 1 -4.75 0.201 0.00866 0.00628 0.0119 ## 6 -8.42 1 -4.72 0.187 0.00893 0.00662 0.0120 ## 7 -7.91 1 -4.66 0.179 0.00949 0.00713 0.0126 ## 8 -7.39 1 -4.56 0.170 0.0104 0.00794 0.0137 ## 9 -6.88 1 -4.44 0.159 0.0118 0.00913 0.0152 ## 10 -6.36 1 -4.29 0.146 0.0136 0.0108 0.0172 ## # ... with 90 more rows ``` --- # `predict()` → plot Tidy objects like this are easy to plot with `ggplot()` ```r ggplot(pred, aes(x = week_centered)) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.2) + geom_line(aes(y = pos_rate)) + labs(y = "Test postivity rate", x = NULL) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/plot-predictions-richness-1.svg)<!-- --> --- class: inverse middle center subsection # Your turn! --- class: inverse middle center subsection # Posterior simulation --- # Remember this? ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/plot-conf-band-plus-posterior-smooths-1.svg)<!-- --> -- Where did the red lines come from? --- # Posterior distributions Each red line is a draw from the *posterior distribution* of the smooth Remember the `\(\beta_j\)` from the first lecture? Together they are distributed *multivariate normal* with * mean vector given by `\(\hat{\beta}_j\)` * covariance matrix `\(\boldsymbol{\hat{V}}_{\beta}\)` `$$\text{MVN}(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}, \boldsymbol{\hat{V}}_{\beta})$$` -- The model as a whole has a posterior distribution too -- We can simulate data from the model by taking draws from the posterior distribution --- # Posterior simulation for a smooth Sounds fancy but it's only just slightly more complicated than using `rnorm()` To do this we need a few things: 1. The vector of model parameters for the smooth, `\(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}\)` 2. The covariance matrix of those parameters, `\(\boldsymbol{\hat{V}}_{\beta}\)` 3. A matrix `\(\boldsymbol{X}_p\)` that maps parameters to the linear predictors (i.e. basis functions) for the smooth `$$\boldsymbol{\hat{\eta}}_p = \boldsymbol{X}_p \boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}$$` -- Let's do this for `flu2010_posmod` --- # Posterior sim for a smooth — step 1 The vector of model parameters for the smooth, `\(\boldsymbol{\hat{\beta}}\)` ```r sm_week <- get_smooth(flu2010_posmod, "s(week_centered)") # extract the smooth object from model idx <- gratia:::smooth_coefs(sm_week) # indices of the coefs for this smooth idx ``` ``` ## [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ``` ```r beta <- coef(flu2010_posmod) # vector of model parameters ``` --- # Posterior sim for a smooth — step 2 The covariance matrix of the model parameters, `\(\boldsymbol{\hat{V}}_{\beta}\)` ```r Vb <- vcov(flu2010_posmod) # default is the bayesian covariance matrix ``` --- # Posterior sim for a smooth — step 3 A matrix `\(\boldsymbol{X}_p\)` that maps parameters to the linear predictor for the smooth We get `\(\boldsymbol{X}_p\)` using the `predict()` method with `type = "lpmatrix"` ```r new_weeks <- with(flu2010, tibble(week_centered = seq_min_max(week_centered, n = 100), tests_total = 1)) Xp <- predict(flu2010_posmod, newdata = new_weeks, type = 'lpmatrix') dim(Xp) ``` ``` ## [1] 100 15 ``` --- # Posterior sim for a smooth — step 4 Take only the columns of `\(\boldsymbol{X}_p\)` that are involved in the smooth of `week_centered` ```r Xp <- Xp[, idx, drop = FALSE] dim(Xp) ``` ``` ## [1] 100 14 ``` --- # Posterior sim for a smooth — step 5 Simulate parameters from the posterior distribution of the smooth of `week_centered` ```r set.seed(42) beta_sim <- rmvn(n = 20, beta[idx], Vb[idx, idx, drop = FALSE]) dim(beta_sim) ``` ``` ## [1] 20 14 ``` Simulating many sets (20) of new model parameters from the estimated parameters and their uncertainty (covariance) Result is a matrix where each row is a set of new model parameters, each consistent with the fitted smooth --- # Posterior sim for a smooth — step 6 .row[ .col-6[ Form `\(\boldsymbol{\hat{\eta}}_p\)`, the posterior draws for the smooth ```r sm_draws <- Xp %*% t(beta_sim) dim(sm_draws) ``` ``` ## [1] 100 20 ``` ```r matplot(sm_draws, type = 'l') ``` A bit of rearranging is needed to plot with `ggplot()` ] .col-6[ ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/richness-posterior-draws-1.svg)<!-- --> ] ] -- Or use `smooth_samples()` --- # Posterior sim for a smooth — steps 1–6 ```r sm_post <- smooth_samples(flu2010_posmod, 's(week_centered)', n = 20, seed = 42) draw(sm_post) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/plot-posterior-smooths-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # Posterior simulation from the model Simulating from the posterior distribution of the model requires 1 modification of the recipe for a smooth and one extra step We want to simulate new values for all the parameters in the model, not just the ones involved in a particular smooth -- Additionally, we could simulate *new response data* from the model and the simulated parameters (**not shown** below) --- # Posterior simulation from the model ```r beta <- coef(flu2010_posmod) # vector of model parameters Vb <- vcov(flu2010_posmod) # default is the Bayesian covariance matrix Xp <- predict(flu2010_posmod, type = 'lpmatrix') set.seed(42) beta_sim <- rmvn(n = 1000, beta, Vb) # simulate parameters eta_p <- Xp %*% t(beta_sim) # form linear predictor values mu_p <- inv_link(flu2010_posmod)(eta_p) # apply inverse link function mean(mu_p[1, ]) # mean of posterior for the first observation in the data ``` ``` ## [1] 0.01009361 ``` ```r quantile(mu_p[1, ], probs = c(0.025, 0.975)) ``` ``` ## 2.5% 97.5% ## 0.004696046 0.018737832 ``` --- # Posterior simulation from the model ```r week0_row <- which(flu2010$week_centered==0) ggplot(tibble(positivity_rate = mu_p[week0_row , ]), aes(x = positivity_rate)) + geom_histogram() + labs(title = "Posterior distribution of positivity rates for\nthe first week of January, 2011") ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/posterior-sim-model-hist-1.svg)<!-- --> --- class: inverse middle center subsection # Your turn! --- class: inverse middle center subsection # Part 2: Model comparisons --- # Are predictions or inference any good? Only if model specification matches the data-generating process ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/misspecify-1.svg)<!-- --> --- background-image: url(figures/mug.jpg) background-size: contain --- # How do we test for misspecification? - Examine residuals and diagostic plots: `gam.check()` part 1 - Test for residual patterns in data: `gam.check()` part 2 - Look for confounding relationships amongst variables: `concurvity()` ??? --- # First let's simulate some data ```r set.seed(2) n <- 400 x1 <- rnorm(n) x2 <- rnorm(n) y_val <- 1 + 2*cos(pi*x1) + 2/(1+exp(-5*(x2))) y_norm <- y_val + rnorm(n, 0, 0.5) y_negbinom <- rnbinom(n, mu = exp(y_val),size=10) y_binom <- rbinom(n,1,prob = exp(y_val)/(1+exp(y_val))) ``` --- class: inverse middle center subsection # Using `gam.check()` part 1: Visual Checks --- # Gaussian model on Gaussian data ```r norm_model <- gam(y_norm ~ s(x1, k=12) + s(x2, k=12), method = 'REML') gam.check(norm_model, rep = 500) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/gam_check_plots1-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # Negative binomial data, Poisson model ```r pois_model <- gam(y_negbinom ~ s(x1, k=12) + s(x2, k=12), family=poisson, method= 'REML') gam.check(pois_model, rep = 500) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/gam_check_plots2-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # NB data, NB model ```r negbin_model <- gam(y_negbinom ~ s(x1, k=12) + s(x2, k=12), family = nb, method = 'REML') gam.check(negbin_model, rep = 500) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/gam_check_plots3-1.svg)<!-- --> --- class: inverse middle center subsection # `gam.check()` part 2: do you have the right functional form? --- # How good is the smooth? - Many choices influence whether a smooth is right for the data, one key one is **k**, the number of basis functions used to construct the smooth. - **k** sets the _maximum_ wiggliness of a smooth. The smoothing penalty `\((\lambda)\)` remove "extra wiggliness" (_up to a point!_) - We want enough **k** to model all our complexity, but larger **k** means larger computation time (sometimes `\(O(n^2)\)`) - Set **k** per term in your model: `s(x, k=10)` or `s(x, y, k=100)`. Default values must be checked! --- # Checking basis size `gam.check()` prints diagnostics for basis size. Significant values indicate non-random residual patterns not captured by smooths. ```r norm_model_1 <- gam(y_norm~s(x1, k = 4) + s(x2, k = 4), method = 'REML') gam.check(norm_model_1) ``` ``` ## ## Method: REML Optimizer: outer newton ## full convergence after 8 iterations. ## Gradient range [-0.0003467788,0.0005154578] ## (score 736.9402 & scale 2.252304). ## Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [0.000346021,198.5041]. ## Model rank = 7 / 7 ## ## Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may ## indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'. ## ## k' edf k-index p-value ## s(x1) 3.00 1.00 0.13 <2e-16 *** ## s(x2) 3.00 2.91 1.04 0.77 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- background-image: url(figures/rookie.jpg) background-size: contain --- # Checking basis size Increasing basis size can move issues to another part of the model. ```r norm_model_2 <- gam(y_norm ~ s(x1, k = 12) + s(x2, k = 4), method = 'REML') gam.check(norm_model_2) ``` ``` ## ## Method: REML Optimizer: outer newton ## full convergence after 11 iterations. ## Gradient range [-5.658609e-06,5.392657e-06] ## (score 345.3111 & scale 0.2706205). ## Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [0.967727,198.6299]. ## Model rank = 15 / 15 ## ## Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may ## indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'. ## ## k' edf k-index p-value ## s(x1) 11.00 10.84 0.99 0.330 ## s(x2) 3.00 2.98 0.86 0.005 ** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ``` --- # Checking basis size Successively check issues in all smooths. ```r norm_model_3 <- gam(y_norm ~ s(x1, k = 12) + s(x2, k = 12),method = 'REML') gam.check(norm_model_3) ``` ``` ## ## Method: REML Optimizer: outer newton ## full convergence after 8 iterations. ## Gradient range [-1.136192e-08,6.794565e-13] ## (score 334.2084 & scale 0.2485446). ## Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [2.812271,198.6868]. ## Model rank = 23 / 23 ## ## Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may ## indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'. ## ## k' edf k-index p-value ## s(x1) 11.00 10.85 0.98 0.29 ## s(x2) 11.00 7.95 0.95 0.14 ``` --- # Checking basis size ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/gam_check_norm4-1.svg)<!-- --> --- class: inverse center middle subsection # `concurvity()`: how independent are my variables? --- # What is concurvity? - Nonlinear measure of variable relationships, similar to co-linearity - Generally a property of a _model_ and data, not data alone - In linear models, we may be concerned about co-linear variables, which we can find with `cor(data)`, or `pairs(data)` of the data - When using GAMs, we use `concurvity(model)` ??? Concurvity must be a model property because it depends on the type of curves allowed --- # Effects of concurvity Independent variables yield nice, separable nonlinear GAM terms ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/concurve1-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # Effects of concurvity Modest dependence between predictor variables increases uncertainty. ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/concurve2-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # Effects of concurvity Smooth forms and intervals go <span style="color:purple;">**buck wild**</span> under strong dependence. ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/concurve4-1.svg)<!-- --> --- # Use `concurvity()` to diagnose (It's easier to read with `round()`) .pull-left[ ```r round(concurvity(some_model), 2) ``` ``` ## para s(x1_cc) s(x2_cc) ## worst 0 0.84 0.84 ## observed 0 0.22 0.57 ## estimate 0 0.28 0.60 ``` - `full=TRUE` how much each smooth is explained by _all_ others - `full=FALSE` how much each smooth is explained by _each_ other - 3 estimates provided ] .pull-right[ ```r lapply( concurvity(some_model, full= FALSE), round, 2) ``` ``` ## $worst ## para s(x1_cc) s(x2_cc) ## para 1 0.00 0.00 ## s(x1_cc) 0 1.00 0.84 ## s(x2_cc) 0 0.84 1.00 ## ## $observed ## para s(x1_cc) s(x2_cc) ## para 1 0.00 0.00 ## s(x1_cc) 0 1.00 0.57 ## s(x2_cc) 0 0.22 1.00 ## ## $estimate ## para s(x1_cc) s(x2_cc) ## para 1 0.00 0.0 ## s(x1_cc) 0 1.00 0.6 ## s(x2_cc) 0 0.28 1.0 ``` ] --- # Concurvity: Remember - Can make your model unstable to small changes - `cor(data)` not sufficient: use the `concurvity(model)` function - Not always obvious from plots of smooths!! --- # Let's look at an example using the richness data .pull-left[ ```r # load the data trawls <- read.csv(here("data","trawl_nl.csv")) trawls2010 <- filter(trawls,year==2010) rich_tempdepth <- gam(richness ~ s(log10(depth),k=30)+s(temp_bottom) + lat, data= trawls2010, family = poisson, method ="REML") draw(rich_tempdepth) ``` ] .pull-right[ ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/rich-spatial2-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- .pull-left[ ```r concurvity(rich_tempdepth) ``` ] .pull-right[ ``` ## para s(log10(depth)) s(temp_bottom) ## worst 0.9986329 0.7712929 0.8027293 ## observed 0.9986329 0.2205268 0.7859323 ## estimate 0.9986329 0.5174799 0.7027520 ``` ] --- class: inverse middle center subsection # part 3: Model selection --- # How do we choose between alternative models? - Models can differ in # of predictors, basis functions used, family, etc. - When comparing models, we have to account for model fit and the flexibility of each model - MGCV uses the effective degrees of freedom of smooth terms when comparing models via ANOVA or AIC --- # How do we choose between alternative models? Possible approaches: - Look at terms within a model - AIC - ANOVA table - Fitting full model and using `select = TRUE` option. --- # A few caveats first: * you cannot compare models that differ in the number of data points, or in type of data (assuming count vs. continuous data, for example) * p-values for terms within each model are approximate, from ANOVA even more approximate * Make sure to use the same method ("ML", "REML" or "GCV.Cp") for all models to be compared --- # Viewing smooth terms within a model: ```r rich_tempdepth <- gam(richness ~ s(log10(depth),k=30)+s(temp_bottom), data= trawls2010, family = poisson, method ="REML") summary(rich_tempdepth) ``` ``` ## ## Family: poisson ## Link function: log ## ## Formula: ## richness ~ s(log10(depth), k = 30) + s(temp_bottom) ## ## Parametric coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 3.19764 0.00923 346.4 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Approximate significance of smooth terms: ## edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value ## s(log10(depth)) 5.032 6.343 143.301 <2e-16 *** ## s(temp_bottom) 1.002 1.004 0.635 0.428 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## R-sq.(adj) = 0.218 Deviance explained = 21.6% ## -REML = 1509.9 Scale est. = 1 n = 482 ``` --- # Using ANOVA to compare two models ```r rich_depth <- gam(richness ~ s(log10(depth),k=30), data= trawls2010, family = poisson, method ="REML") anova(rich_depth, rich_tempdepth,test = "Chisq") ``` ``` ## Analysis of Deviance Table ## ## Model 1: richness ~ s(log10(depth), k = 30) ## Model 2: richness ~ s(log10(depth), k = 30) + s(temp_bottom) ## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi) ## 1 474.05 565.84 ## 2 473.10 565.67 0.94931 0.17041 0.6586 ``` --- # Using ANOVA to compare two models Note for anova.gam: This assumes that models do not differ in terms that can be completely smoothed away (like simple random effects). See `?anova.gam` for more details --- # Using AIC to compare two models .pull-left[ ```r AIC(rich_depth, rich_tempdepth) ``` ``` ## df AIC ## rich_depth 6.643459 2997.568 ## rich_tempdepth 7.582491 2999.275 ``` ] .pull-right[ * A corrected version of AIC (2k - 2logLik) to account for reduced degrees of freedom from smoothing, and uncertainty in smoothing parameters. * See ?`mgcv::AIC.gam` for more details ] --- background-image: url(figures/wood-quote.png) background-size: contain --- # Final method: selection of smooth terms within a model * If we think a given smooth term can be removed from the model, it should also be possible to penalize the term to zero within the model -- * Only works if a given term is penalized; remember from day 1 that some function shapes are not penalized (are in the null space of the model) -- * If we set `select=TRUE` this adds a penalty to the null space of all models, letting mgcv remove the term if need be --- ```r rich_tempdepth_nonull <- gam(richness ~ s(log10(depth),k=30)+s(temp_bottom), data= trawls2010, family = poisson, method ="REML", select = TRUE) summary(rich_tempdepth_nonull) ``` ``` ## ## Family: poisson ## Link function: log ## ## Formula: ## richness ~ s(log10(depth), k = 30) + s(temp_bottom) ## ## Parametric coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 3.197728 0.009229 346.5 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Approximate significance of smooth terms: ## edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value ## s(log10(depth)) 5.246284 29 159.254 <2e-16 *** ## s(temp_bottom) 0.002459 9 0.002 0.428 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## R-sq.(adj) = 0.22 Deviance explained = 21.6% ## -REML = 1506.9 Scale est. = 1 n = 482 ``` --- ```r draw(rich_tempdepth_nonull) ``` ![](03-predictions-and-model-checking_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.svg)<!-- --> --- class: inverse middle center subsection # Final exercise