Workflow steps |
Casting boundariesCreate a spatial boundaries object for your model |
Create a sspm_boundary object |
sspm boundary structure |
Discretizing boundariesDiscretize your spatial boundaries object into patches |
Discretize a |
sspm discrete boundary structure |
Perform voronoi tesselation |
Perform delaunay triangulation |
Get the list of available discretization methods |
Cast into a |
sspm discretization method class |
Casting datasetsCreate dataset objects for your raw variables |
Create a |
sspm dataset structure |
Smoothing biomassSmooth the raw variables using gams |
Smooth a variable in a sspm dataset |
Get the list of available smoothing methods |
sspm Smoothing functions |
Aggregating catchAggregate the catch data according to discretized boundaries |
Update biomass value from catch adta |
Aggregate a dataset or fit data variable based on a boundary |
Assembling and modifiying SSPM objectsAssemble the model object and prepare it for fitting |
Create a |
sspm model class |
Split data in test and train sets |
Create lagged columns in a sspm smoothed data slot |
Fitting the surplus production modelFit the model |
Fit an SPM model |
sspm fit |
sspm formula object |
Summarises |
Predict and plotPredict and plot results |
Predict with a SPM model |
GAM confidence and prediction intervals |
Plot |
DatasetsDatasets used in the vignette |
Simulated biomass data |
Simulated catch data |
Simulated predator data |
SFA boundaries data |
AccessorsAccessors method for various objects |
Accessing OR replacing |
Accessing OR replacing |
Accessing OR replacing |
Accessing OR replacing |
sspm boundary structure |
Extract methods |
Accessing OR replacing |
Accessing OR replacing |